Injury during the European Championships

by Jérôme Chapuis // July 26 // 0 Comments

I took part in the European Championships this week-end in Chies d’Alpago in Italy.

Despite an excellent preparation the previous weeks and an incredible will to compete, nothing went as planned.

After a good warm up, I start the competition and fell in the first section. The crash was pretty serious since I totally dislocated my shoulder. I’m rescued by secourists on place and luckily came an experienced french doctor who putted back my shoulder in place.

Then I’m transported in the Belluno hospital for x-rays and a global check. The diagnostic is not really precise yet and I will see orthopedic doctors in a sports hospital when I’ll be back in Switzerland. I’ll know what to do and what I have in more details to recover fast and in a long-term way.

This is really hard to admit in the middle of the season but the best thing I can do now is to focus on my rehab to get back stronger.

Thanks to everyone for your support and I’ll keep you informed.
